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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(3):25-34.
논문편 - 의생활 분야 : 아동용바지 원형제작을 위한 Size 설정에 관한 연구 - 6세 ∼ 8세 아동을 중심으로 -
A Study on the Sizes for Children's Slacks Pattern Making
Hyoung Sook Lee
The manufacture of children's wear is another part of the giant industry. However, the production of children's wear remains a small factory operation without scientific study. This study is aimed at establishing the normal sizes for slacks pattern making of 6∼8 years old children. The sample were classified into 5 groups of stature. The findings are as follows: 1) In analysis of stature group 110∼115cm to 130∼135cm there were almost significant differences of the mean values of all items. Comparison of physique shows even variation between stature group. 2) The correlation among all the parts of the body is strong in the case of the Stature. 3) The result of regression analysis is as follows. In slacks pattern making Back Waist Height and Slacks Length were exactly determined by Stature. Waist to Knee were exactly determined by Slacks Length.
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