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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(2):103-111.
논문편 - 식생활 분야 : 곡류 , 야채식이의 영양소 보완이 흰쥐의 성장에 미치는 영향 (Ⅱ) - Calcium 대사를 심으로 -
Effects of Nutritional Supplementation of Cereal-Vegetable Diet on the Growth of Rats (II) - Especially on Calcium Metabolism
Choon Hie Yu
This study was designed to observe the effects of nutritional supplementation of general Korean diet on calcium metabolism and bone growth in rats. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The bone weight and the concentration of ash and calcium in femurs tended to be increased by calcium supplementation. It seemed that supplemental calcium feeding promoted bone calcification through increasing the amount of calcium retained in the body. 2. There were no differences in calcium absorption rates, retention rates in the body, urinary excretion, and serum calcium concentration, between calcium supplemented groups and the other cereal-vegetable groups. 3. The casein, vitamin B2, or vitamin A supplementation of cereal-vegetable diets did not have any significant effects on calcium metabolism and bone growth.
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