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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(2):91-102.
논문편 - 식생활 분야 : 곡류 , 야채식이의 영양소 보완이 흰쥐의 성장에 미치는 영향 (Ⅰ) - 단백질 대사를 중심으로 -
부미정 , 이옥희 , 유춘희
Effects of Nutritional Supplementation of Cereal-Vegetable Diet on the Growth of Rats (I) - Especially on Protein Metabolism
Mi Jeung Boo , Ok Hee Lee , Choon Hie Yu
This study was designed to find out the nutritional defect of general Korean diet and the effective way of nutritional supplementation. Seventy weanling Sprague-Dawley male rats weighing 51.80.9g were blocked into ten groups and fed ten different diets ad libitum for eight weeks: Standard groups(st gp) was given 72% sugar-20% casein diet: Cereal-vegetable group(c-v gp) was fed cereal-vegetable diet(c-v diet) composed of rice, barley, soybean, spinach and cabbage: the other eight groups were fed c-v diets supplemented with casein, vitamin , calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B2 and A, vitamin A and calcium, vitamin and calcium, vitamin A and and calcium, respectively, on the basis of each nutrients content of standard diet. The results were as follows: 1. Food intakes and body weight gains in all the experimental groups were significantly lower than st gp. Among experimental groups, casein gp and vit B2 gp tended to gain more body weights than c-v gp. 2. Through all the experimental period, F.E.R., pp.E.R., and NDPcal% did nod show significant differences among all the experimental groups and st gp. 3. The weights of liver, kidney, and gastrocnemius were significantly lower in all the experimental groups as compared with st gp. But brain and sex organ weights did not show differences among all the groups. 4. Nitrogen contents of total carcass, liver, and gastrocnemius in all the experimental groups tended to be increased as compared with st gp, and among experimental groups, they tended to be increased by casein supplementation and decreased by ca supplementation. 5. Apparent nitrogen digestibility, urinary and fecal nitrogen excretion, the amount of nitrogen retained, and N.P.U. did not show any significant differences among all the groups. 6. Serum total protein concentrations did not show any significant differences among all the groups.
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