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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(9):37-53.
발달적 독서치료를 활용한 부모 대상의 유아 성학대 자기보호 교육자 훈련프로그램의 개발 및 효과검증
고신대학교 아동복지학과
The Effects of a Parental Developmental Bibliotherapy Program for Their Young Children's Sexual Abuse Self-Protection
Hui-Young Chun
Department of Child Welfare, Kosin University
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of a children sexual abuse (CSA) parental training program with applied developmental bibliotherapy on parents. Subjects were 54 mothers, 24 of whom participated in the program which included 8 sessions for 4 weeks. Four dependent variables were subjected to analysis of covariance (ANCOVA); mothers’ knowledge, myths and stereotypes related to CSA, and their children’s levels of prevention concepts comprehension and self-protection skills of CSA. The results showed that the program increased mothers’ knowledge of CSA and decreaesd their beliefs on myths and stereotypes, and also increased their comprehension level of CSA prevention concepts and their level of children self-protection skills. These positive effects of the program show that the program can be incorporated into early childhood education practices. We are also pursuing the development of other research programs on this subject.
Keywords: 유아 성학대, child sexual abuse, 발달적 독서치료, developmental bibliotheraphy, 유아 성학대 지식, child sexual abuse knowledge, 유아 성학대 고정관념, child sexual abuse stereotypes
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