Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(2):65-71.
논문편 - 의생활 분야 : 환경요소면으로 본 의복의 인간공학적 연구 (Ⅰ) - 인체동작후의 피부온 변화를 중심으로 -
A Human Engineering Study of Clothing in an Environmental Aspect (I) - Based on the Skin Temperature after Physical Exercise of Human Body
Jeon Sook Rhie
Comfort concept of heating and cooling between body and environment is modified by the clothing. So were can say the clothing is one of the environment. To maintain“pleasantness”, clothing must have the elements of comfort and function. This study carried out for the 1st step to describe the relation between clothing and the human body I aspect to the emvironmental elements of temperature and working part of the body. Observations of skin temperature were taken on young adults female subjects in training wear and the skin temperature was measured onto 9 points of the body while taking part in two physical exercise, with Rawing machine and Bicycle ergometer. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The skin temperature after physical exercise is lower than that after repose. 2. After physical exercise of the lower part of the body, the skin temperature is less than that after physical exercise of the upper part of the body. 3. After physical exercise of the upper part of the body, skin temperature of the lower part of the body rises a little, and vice versa.