Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(9):1-14.
학령전 아동의 고액학원 이용에 대한 어머니의 인식 조사와 이를 통한 보육정책제안: 서울과 경기도를 중심으로
조성연, 김혜금, 신혜원
호서대학교 유아교육과, 동남보건대학 보육학과, 서경대학교 아동학과
Investigating Mothers' Perception of Private High Tuition Fee Institutions in Seoul and Geonggi-do
Hye-Gum Kim, Cho, Song-Yon, Shin, Hye-Won
Department of Child Care Education, DongNam Health College, Department of Early Childhood Education, Hoseo University Department of Child Studies & Education, Seokyung University
The purpose of this study was to investigate conditions in private high tuition fee institutions and also assess mothers’' perception for their children’'s preschool education. Participants were 37 mothers in Seoul and Geonggido, whowere interviewed individually. Results were as follows: Firstly, 78.9% of the mothers hadtheir children attend private high tuition fee institutions five days a week. Furthermore, 70% of their children aged three to five were enrolled in more than three early educational programs. Secondly, 43.2% of the institutions charged over 600,000 Won by month. 48.7% of the mothers have paid over 900,000 Won by month. Thirdly, 89.2% of the mothers were satisfied with the institutional services and convinced that the institutions would benefit in developing their children’'s wholesome characters and academy.