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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(8):71-85.
초등학생들의 생활과 연계된 실과교과의 실천성 연구
변효준, 이기영, 이수희
서울대학교 대학원 가정교육전공.서울유현초등학교, 서울대학교 소비자아동학부, 서울대학교 대학원 가정교육전공
A Study on the "Praxis" which are Perceived by Elementary Students on Practical Arts Education
Soo-Hee Lee, Byun, Hyo-Jun, Lee, Ki-Young
Home Economics Education, Graduate School, Seoul National Universit, Home Economics Education, Graduate School, Seoul National University.Youhyeon Elementary School
Department of Consumer & Child Studies, Seoul National University
The purpose of this study is to find out the practical problems that 6th grade students are facing, how they perceive Practical Arts education and the praxis of Practical Arts education relating to the problems, and whether the content of Practical Arts curriculum is useful for solving practical problems of 6th grade students. The data used in this study are collected from questionnaires and include in-depth interviews in order to make up for the quantitative research. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows. 1. Elementary school students regarded Practical Arts education as the subject matter through which they learn skills of life. They thought it is useful to their present and future life and to nurture environment-friendly attitude. Furthermore, elementary school students perceive that the meaning of practice in Practical Arts education lies not in praxis as practical action, but in just practice as technical action. 2. According to the survey based on their perception and their practical problems, 66.9% of students answered the learning content of Practical Arts education is not useful in solving their problems. And only 33.4% of students answered the learning content of Practical Arts education is useful in solving their problems. Negative view was predominant among elementary school students. And the Practical Arts curriculum does not reflect much of the practical problems that 6th grade students face. Through these results, Practical Arts education turns out to be hardly related with students' life, though it is the subject matter of students' real life.
Keywords: 실과교과, practical arts education, 실천성, praxis, 실천적 문제 중심 교육과정, practical problem focused curriculum, 실천적 문제, practical problem
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