Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(8):37-52.
속담을 통해서 본 조선족의 부모-자녀 관계 가치관
조복희, 이주연, 이영환
경희대학교 아동가족전공, 전남대학교 생활환경복지학과, 전북대학교 아동학과
The Examination of Korean-Chinese Parent-Child Relationships through Korean Proverbs
Young-Hwan Yee, Cho, Bok-Hee, Lee, Joo-Yeon
Department of Child Studies, Chonbuk National University, Department of Child & Family Studies, Kyunghee University Department of Family Environment & Welfare, Chonnam National University
The purpose of this study was to examine Korean-Chinese parent-child relationship values through Korean proverbs on parent-child relationships. A total of 233 Korean-Chinese who reside in Yungil, China participated in this study. The participants were recruited through Korean-Chinese preschools and elementary schools. They completed a questionnaire which asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed with Korean proverbs. The items were classified into four categories: filial piety (duty), child-care and education, childrearing practices, and traditional son preference (and daughter discrimination). The results showed that, although the participants highly agreed to the meaning of the proverbs, they seldom used Korean proverbs in their daily lives. The findings concluded that the participants generally manifested a traditional value of filial piety or duty. Also, the findings showed that more fathers acclaimed the value of traditional son preference (and daughter discrimination) than mothers. Finally, the degree of familiarity with Korean culture was found to be a major factor in explaining differences in levels of agreement or disagreement to the proverbs. Since Korean-Chinese ethnic minority groups in China tend to adhere to traditional Korean values, they might encounter more challenges assimilating into the mainstream Chinese culture.