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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(8):25-35.
현대패션디자인에 나타난 신체부위의 표현유형과 특성: 2001S/S~2008S/S를 중심으로
순천대학교 패션디자인학과
Expression Types and Characteristics of Body Parts Shown in Modern Fashion Design: Focused on from 2001S/S to 2008S/S
Sun-Young Kim
Department of Fashion Design, Sunchon National University
This study analyzed expression types and characteristics of modern fashion designs using body parts. The research was conducted based on a literature review and empirical research of fashion magazines published in Korea and other countries from 2001 to 2008. Four fashion statements predominated. Most frequently, body parts presented in modern fashion design, included realistic expressions, simplification, anatomic expression and a mixture with other patterns and logos. A body part, such as an eye, a lip, a hand or a chest was characteristically located in an unfamiliar position, as part of modern fashion design using body parts. Other parts and surrealistic images were shown with accessories utilizing body shapes. Second, amusing images were emphasized with humorous expressions, including simplification of body parts, childish decorations, fairy tale illusions and cartoon factors. Third, erotic images were presented with a more realistic expression of a partial image of a female body part, such as a lip or a tongue. Fourth, the use of facial images of celebrities in modern fashion design showed the phase of the times and the characteristic utilization of pop art as an image.
Keywords: 신체부위, body part, 초현실성, surrealism, 유희성, Pleasure, 에로티시즘, eroticism, 팝아트성, pop art
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