Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(8):1-11.
학교폭력 피해아동의 내외통제성과 사회적 지지에 따른 스트레스 대처행동
김윤경, 정문자
고양시 청소년지원센터, 연세대학교 아동.가족학과
The Role of Social Support and Locus of Control as Stress Coping Behaviors in Victims of School Violence
Yoon-Kyung Kim, Chung, Moon-Ja
Goyang City Youth Support Center, Department of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei University
This study purposed to examine how school violence victims' coping behaviors are affected by locus of control and social support. Two hundred and thirty fifth and sixth graders from four elementary schools in Seoul filled out School Violence Scale reports of the Seoul Council for Safe School (2002), Attributional Style Questionnaire (Weinstein, 1980) revised by Young Sil Im(2004), Social Support Appraisal Scale (Dubow & Ulman, 1989) revised by Myung Sook Kim(1994), and Stress Coping Behaviors reports(Park & Chung, 2001). The data were analyzed with the descriptive statics and t-test. The results of this study were as follows: First, more children showed internal locus of control than external one under negative circumstances. School violence victims perceived family's support to be more important than friend's and teacher's support. Their coping behaviors were partitioned in the order of active, aggressive, passive/avoidant, and social support seeking. Second, children with internal locus of control used more passive/avoidant coping behavior than those with external one. Third, children who perceived high social support from family used more active and social support seeking coping behavior. Children who perceived low support from friends used more passive/avoidant coping behavior while those with low support from teachers used more aggressive coping behavior. In conclusion, there are differences in stress coping behaviors by victims of school violence based on their internal or external locus of control and perceived social support.