청소년의 시간관리능력과 자기생활관리에 영향을 미치는 제변인들의 인과관계분석 |
정호순, 장윤옥 |
경북대학교 가정교육과 |
Causal Relationships between Time Management Ability, Self Management and Its Related Factors among Adolescents |
Yoon-Ok Jang, Jeong, Ho-Sun |
Department of Home Economics Education, Kyungpook National University, Department of Home Economics Education, Kyungpook National University |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of individual variables, mother related variables, and timemanagement ability on self-management of adolescents. In addition, the direct and indirect effects of these variables on self-management were also assessed. The subjects of this study were 496 students who were selected at random from middle schools in Daegu. The questionnaire was used for this survey, consisted of a self-management, a timemanagement, a self-efficacy, an internal locus of control, mother’s home management, and mother’s support scale. Factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis were employed for data analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, mother’s home management planning ability had the most affect on adolescent time-management ability in terms of planning and implementing, while self-efficacy had the most affect on time-management evaluating ability. Second, adolescent’ time-management planning ability had the most affect on lifestyle and money management, time-management implementing ability on studies management, self-efficacy on health management, and internal locus of control on interpersonal relation management of adolescents. Third, among adolescent self-management, lifestyle management, studies management and money management can be achieved through the mediation of adolescent time management ability. They exhibit indirect influence through adolescent self-efficacy, internal locus of control, mother’s home-management planning ability, and mother’s home-management implementing ability. Furthermore, time-management ability is also influenced through the mediation of health management and interpersonal relation management, but is not indirectly affected by selfefficacy, internal locus of control, time planning ability, and time implementing ability. |
시간관리능력, time-management ability, 자기생활관리, self-management, 자기효능감, self-efficacy, 가정관리능력, Home management ability |