Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(7):13-32.
베트남(Vietnam)에 거주하는 베트남인의 주거 및 주생활 특성: 재한(在韓) 베트남인 이주 노동자의 주거 계획을 위한 기초 연구
이영심, 최정신
가톨릭대학교 소비자주거
Comparative Analysis of Housing Plans between Vietnamese in Korea and Vietnam for Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Korea
Young-Shim Lee, Choi, Jung-Shin
Consumer & Housing Studies, The Catholic University of Korea, Consumer & Housing Studies, The Catholic University of Korea
The purpose of this study was to analyze the state of housing and domestic living conditions of Vietnamese individuals in Vietnam and Korea. Using ethnographic methodologies, It was examined examined 22 Vietnamese households in Korea in relation to their usage of domestic space and also conducted the same investigation on 20 Vietnamese households in Vietnam. The following conclusion were established; 1) The majority of households in both countries preferred that the kitchen was close to the dining room and living room while a kitchen door was not deemed as necessary. 2) In Korea, washing machines are used in the bathroom space, while in Vietnam they are used outside or in a specially designated space. 3) The most uncomfortable aspect of home life in Korea was having the bathroom and toilet in the same space while in Vietnam they are separately spaced. It is recommended that house plans with separate bathroom and toilet area be made available for Vietnamese migrants. 4) Chairs were used in the sleeping area for eating, especially if guests were present, but the floor space was also used for eating. 5) Tile is a typical floor material in Vietnam while vinyl is popular in Korea. However, migrant workers were comfortable with both materials. 6) All 20 households didn't have any heating system in Vietnam but most migrants preferred a modified Ondol in Korea. 7) Most migrants took their shoes off while inside the house in Vietnam and Korea. Furthermore, the majority of households didn’t have any designated shoes space at the entrance to the house in Vietnam and most were satisfied with the same situation in korea. 8) Most households in Vietnam and Korea preferred to decorate their living room with various things or as a place of worship to their ancestors. The direction of house was an important element when deciding to buy or building houses in both countries.