Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(6):109-120.
일-생활 균형을 위한 가족지원체계와 정책대안에 관한 연구
정영금, 김희형
가톨릭대학교 소비자주거학 전공, 일과여가문화연구원
A Study on the Family Support System and Alternative Policies for Work-Life Balance
Young-Keum Jeong, Kim, Hee-Hyung
Consumer and Housing Studies, The Catholic University of Korea, Work and Life Balance Institute
The purpose of this study is to construct the family support system and suggest various policies for work-life balance to create the family-friendly society. For this purpose, this study showed the theoretical background for constitution of integrated family support system-community, government and business. Especially, this study emphasized that family-centered viewpoint to the policy is needed and that support for worklife balance not work-family balance should be enlarged. Various policies were suggested in three parts and the role of community was emphasized. Finally, this study presented the necessity of laws and committee for work-life balance and role of healthy family-support center for work-life balance.