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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(6):79-90.
기혼 여성의 주거 이동에 대한 생애사 연구
신수영, 윤정숙
연세대학교 주거환경학과
A Life History Analysis on the Housing Mobility of the Married Women
Soo-Young Shin, Yoon, Chung-Sook
Department of Housing & Interior Design, Yonsei University, Department of Housing & Interior Design, Yonsei University
The purpose of this study was to improve the understanding of housing experiences of the married women in Korean sociocultural context and to explore their housing mobility. The grounded theory was adopted in this qualitative study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with the seventeen married women. The major categories found in the data are 1) the inducement of housing mobility, 2) social constraint and opportunity, 3) the strategy and resource of housing mobility, 4) the intervening conditions, and 5) self-evaluation of their own housing life history. People construct their housing life history toward home ownership. There are a few factors to induce housing mobility, and social constraints and opportunity have an effect on obtaining home ownership. They utilize the diverse strategy and resource to solve their housing matter. Through interview, it is founded that they evaluate their housing career in the light of their life through interview.
Keywords: 생애사, Life history, 근거이론, grounded theory, 주거이동, housing mobility, 자가소유, home ownership
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