어머니의 양육관련 변인과 유아의 자기조절 능력과의 관련성 탐색 |
조영숙, 이양희 |
성균관대학교 아동학과 |
The Effects of Maternal Parenting Variables on Preschool Children's Self Regulation |
Young-Suk Cho, Lee, Yang-Hee |
Department of Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University |
The purpose of this study was to develop a model for preschool children's self regulation by examining the effects of maternal parenting variables on preschool children's self regulation. The subjects were 1219 mothers of 4- to 6-year-old preschool children attending kindergarten or child care centers located in Seoul and Kyunggi Province, Korea. For data analysis, exploratory factor analysis(EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) were applied to the survey data in the first phase and structural equation modeling(SEM) analysis in the second phase. The major results of this study were as follows: maternal parenting stress and maternal behavior were the most direct influential variables on preschool children's self-regulation. Moreover, maternal parenting efficacy was indirectly mediated through maternal behavior. |
양육효능감, parenting self-efficacy, 양육스트레스, parenting stress, 양육행독, parenting behavior, 자기조절, self-regulation, 구조방정식, SEM |