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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(6):1-10.
아동의 정서 표현성과 사교성, 어머니의 의사소통 유형이 아동의 친사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
송하나, 최경숙
성균관대학교 인재개발, 아동학과
The Influence of Children's Emotional Expression and Sociability, and Their Mothers' Communication Pattern on Their Prosocial Behavior
Ha-Na Song, Choi, Kyoung-Sook
Department of Human Resource Development, Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Human Resource Development, Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University
This study investigated the influence of children's emotional expression and sociability, and their mothers' communication pattern on their prosocial behavior. The participants were 65 preschool children aged between 5 and 6, and their mothers. Each child-mother dyad was observed for 30 minutes in a lab setting, which was designed to evaluate the child's socioemotional competence and the mother's socialization behavior. Videotaped data were analyzed by two coders for aspects of sharing behavior, the expression of happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, and sociability for children, and mothers' communication strategies. Results showed that children's anger and anxiety expression were the most significant predictors for their prosocial behavior. Mothers' punitive communication pattern negatively affected children's prosocial behavior. However, when compared to the children's emotional expression, its' accountability were not significant. The influence of negative emotions, and its' adverse role in interpersonal interactions are discussed.
Keywords: 친사회적 행동, prosocial behavior, 정서 표현, emotional expression, 사교성, sociability, 어머니 의사소통 유형, mothers` communication pattern
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