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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(5):95-105.
학교 우유급식의 효율적 관리를 위한 표준 매뉴얼 개발
양일선, 이보숙, 박문경, 김혜영, 김영신
연세대학교 식품영양학과, 한양여자대학 식품영양전공, 한양여자대학 식품영양전공, 연세대학교 식품영양과학연구소, 연세대학교 식품영양학과
Development of Standardized Manual for Efficient Management of School Milk Program
Moon-Kyung Park, Yang, Il-Sun, Bo Sook Yi, Kim, Hye-Young, Kim, Young-Shin
Department of Food & Nutrition, Hanyang Women's College, Department of Food & Nutrition, Yonsei University
Department of Food & Nutrition, Hanyang Women's College
Institute of Food & Nutritional Sciences, Yonsei University
Department of Food & Nutrition, Yonsei University
The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized manual to help an educational agency manage the school milk program in cities and provinces. Towards this purpose, we carried out an observational study, content analysis, and survey as the first step. After developing the standardized manual and modifying its contents based on a panel discussion, we implement the delphi-technique as the second step. The standardized manual was composed of an introduction, the administrative direction of educational agency, the management of the school milk program, the management of the free milk program, teaching guidance, selection and contract of supplier, and an appendix. The manual was distributed to over 16 educational agencies for managing the school milk program and was promoted to public officials, such as the officers of educational agencies, the school district officials, and the officers of ministry of agriculture and forestry. The developed manual was targeted for used in schools throughout the nation, but was accepted with reservation in different regions. Therefore, school milk program would be expected to be an efficient management and operation through the use of a standardized manual.
Keywords: 학교우유급식, school milk program, 학교급식, school foodservice, 표준 매뉴얼, standardized manual
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