가족친화적 기업복지제도 이용가능 정도가 기혼여성근로자의 직무만족에 미치는 영향 |
강정희, 박경숙 |
경기대학교 사회과학연구소, 경기대학교 사회복지학과 |
The Effect of Family-Friendly Corporate Welfare Programs on Job Satisfaction of Married Female Employees |
Kyung-Sook Park, Kang, Jung-Hee |
Department of Social Welfare, Kyonggi University, Social Science Institute, Kyonggi University |
The purpose of this study was to assess if the availability of the family-friendly corporate welfare programs had an effect on job satisfaction of married female employees after controlling for other factors such as job, personal and household characteristics. This study analyzed 215 working mothers who had the children under 6 years of age using the Korea Labor Panel Data(2005). The study established that married female employees working in the companies with more family-friendly corporate welfare programs exhibited higher job satisfaction on working hours, communication and human Relationships and other fringe benefits. Therefore, we recommended that family-friendly corporate welfare programs should be more available and developed in order to promote better job satisfaction for married female employees. |
가족친화적 기업복지제도, family-friendly corporate welfare programs, 기혼여성근로자의 직무만족, job satisfaction of married female employees, 근무환경, working environment |