Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(4):49-59.
여자 중학생들의 체형 만족도에 따른 비만 스트레스, 체중 조절 태도, 식이장애 정도 비교
김지연, 손세진, 이지은, 김정현, 정인경
중앙대학교 가정교육과
The Effects of Body Image Satisfaction on Obesity Stress, Weight Control Attitudes, and Eating Disorders among Female Junior High School Students
In-Kyung Jung, Kim, Ji-Yeon, Son, Say-Jin, Lee, Ji-Eun, Kim, Jung-Hyun
Department of Home Economics Education, ChungAng University
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of body weight and body image perception on body image satisfaction of female junior high school students in Seoul. We further examined if body image satisfaction was related to obesity stress, weight control attitudes. From the 327 students surveyed, 6.1% were overweight and 38.8% of subjects were underweight. Over half of the subjects (54.4%) considered themselves to be more fat than their actual body shape. This manifested itself in low body satisfaction. Subjects less satisfied with their body shape suffered from high stress about obesity, were much more interested in weight control programs, and had more experience in weight control attempts. Among the subjects with low body image satisfaction, 25.7 % of them had eating disorder. It is our suggestion that school curriculum should include proper nutritional programmes to help students correctly recognize their body shape and to maintain healthy weight