Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(3):87-102.
영아 및 어머니의 사회인구적 특성 변인, 어머니의 양육지식, 양육효능감, 양육스트레스가 영아발달에 미치는 영향
이경하, 서소정
경희대학교 아동학
Effects of Infant and Maternal Demographic Characteristics, Maternal Knowledge of Infant Development, Maternal Self-Efficacy, and Maternal Parenting Stress on Infant Development
So-Jung Seo, Lee, Kyoung-Ha
Child & Family Studies, Kyung Hee University
This study was conducted to determine which variables of interest could be used to predict the development of infants. The variables of interest in this study were demographic variables regarding to the infants and mothers, maternal knowledge of infant development, maternal self-efficacy, maternal parenting stress, and infant development. The participants consisted of 252 infant-mother pairs and all infants included in this study were 15 months to 36 months of age. The development of Infants was assessed by classroom teachers. Data regarding the mothers’' demographic information, maternal knowledge of infant development, maternal self-efficacy, and maternal stress were gathered by maternal self-reported questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t tests, and regression analyses. The primary results demonstrated that family income, maternal infant knowledge, and maternal parenting stress were predictive of the infant development. In addition, different patterns in the results of the stepwise multiple regression were observed among the infant’'s of different age. Implications for research and practice were discussed along with the results of study.