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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(3):67-77.
세시풍속과 연계된 유아경제교육 프로그램 모형 개발
이숙재, 이봉선
성신여자대학교 유아교육과, 아주대학교 교육대학원
Development of an Economic Education Program Model for Young Children Related to Korean Seasonal Customs
Bong-Sun Lee, Lee, Sook-Jae
Graduate School of Education, Ajou University, Early Childhood Education, Sungshin Women’s University
This study developed a model economic education program for young children related to Korean seasonal customs. The model was developed via literature reviews and survey research concerning teachers’' recognition of ‘'early childhood economic education’', consultations with professionals in the field, and testing and modifying the program. The goals of the model program were: teaching children to understand basic economic concepts, helping children to develop an economic attitude that emphasizes interdependence, and acknowledging the importance of eco-friendly economic values. The model includes three educational areas and 21 content areas including understanding the concept of exchange, sharing and cooperation, and circulation with nature. This study also developed 37 early childhood economic education activities using the teaching and learning methods of experiencing nature, virtual experience, real life experience, and traditional games experience.
Keywords: 세시풍속, Korean seasonal customs, 유아경제교육, children`s economic education, 프로그램 모형, program model
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