Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(3):45-54.
조형형태론적 관점에서 살펴본 현대 패션디자인의 표현방법 연구
경북대학교 장수생활과학연구소
The Study of Expression Methods in Modern Fashion Design from the Perspective of the Theory of Formative Form
Gi-Young Kwon
Center for Beautiful Aging, Kyungpook National University
The purpose of this study is to understand the meanings of formative methods (re-creative expressions, abstractive expressions, conceptual expressions, and adaptive expressions) as they are adapted to fashion design. Re-creative expression is the representation of real objects from nature or the environment, sometimes in a humorous or surrealistic way. Abstractive expression is the use of reconstructed forms extracted from the basic characteristics of natural things, which take on variety of appearances based on the designer’'s creativity and imagination. Conceptual expression refers to the representation of ideas, concepts, and other products of the human mind. And, adaptive expression is a method of design that is focused on function driving the form of clothing. Modern fashion design is a fluid hybrid of these various types of expression that serves as an extension of the designers’' aesthetic values.