Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(3):35-44.
중년여성의 의복이미지와 의복쇼핑성향의 관계 연구
류숙희, 신수래
계명대학교 패션 디자인학과
An Analysis of the Relationships between Clothing Image and Clothing Shopping Orientation of Middle Aged Women
Soo-Ray Shin, Ryoo, Sook-Hee
Department of Clothing & Textiles, Keimyung University
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships between clothing image and clothing shopping orientation of middle aged women. For this purpose, the subjects of 300 adult women from in their 40’s to 50’s, living in Daegu area were sampled out by convenient sampling method. The result of this analysis are as follows. 1)a factor analysis identified six different types of clothing image: classy, bold, plain, feminine, casual, and peculiar. 2)five different types of clothing shopping orientation were identified: conspicuous, conformable, hedonic, uniqueness conscious, and quality conscious. 3)the results of multiple regression analysis found that clothing images affected clothing shopping orientation of middle aged women. This meant that significant relationships existed among these variables and there was a causal relationship between clothing image and clothing shopping orientation.