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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(1):87-96.
논문편 - 가정관리 분야 : 가정학에서의 인구교육내용 연구 - 가족관계분야를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Contents of Population Education in Home Economics
Soon Ok Kim
For the solution of population problem, a population education is urgently need since family member size(that is population size) will be on the decrease fro the reason of changes in family consciousness by population education. The population education should be carried out interdisciplinary, but, above all, home economics is more suitable to the population education. In this study, the issues are the contents of population education in relation to family relations of home economics. Those contents are as follows: 1. A change in family consciousness through the value of child 1) Conventional value of child 2) Criticism about conventional value of child 3) Current value of child 4) Desirable number of children 2. A change in family consciousness through the preparation for one's declining years 1) Analysis of periodic family life cycle by number of children 2) Desirable number of children 3. A change in family consciousness through the parental responsibility 1) Mental responsibility 2) Physical responsibility 3) Economics responsibility 4. A change in family consciousness through the relationship between parents and children 1) Conventional relationship 2) Current relationship 3) Desirable relationship 5. A change in family consciousness through the relationship between husband and wife 1) Conventional relationship 2) Current relationship 3) Effects of children on the relationship of husband and wife By the above contents of population education in the field of family relations of home economics parents will have their deliberate plans and aims.
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