Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(2):81-95.
미취학 자녀를 둔 도시 맞벌이 부부의 여가시간에 관한 연구
한영선, 윤소영
고려대학교 가정학과, 한국문화관광연구원
The Analysis of Leisure Time Use of Urban Dual-earner Couples with Preschool Children
Young-Sun Han, Yoon, So-Young
Department of Home Economics, Korea University, Korea Culture & Tourism Institute
The purpose of this study is to examine gender equity in the quantity and flow experience of leisure time of urban dual-earner couples having preschool children. The quantity of leisure time is measured by primary activity and the flow experience of leisure time is measured by primary and secondary activities. The data collected by Korean National Statistical Office in 2004 is used. The sample for this study consists of 255 couples, and the statistical methods are frequency, percentage, paired t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The following is a summary of the major findings. The first, the pattern of the leisure time was different between husbands and wives. The quantity of leisure time of husbands was longer than that of wives. The husbands spent more time to perform social activities, media contact, sports and outdoor activities, while women did more in religious activities. The second, husband's leisure flow experience was higher than that of wives. The pure leisure time of wives was shorter than that of husbands and wives experienced more contaminated leisure time by a secondary activity. In other words, wives's leisure is more likely to be interrupted, to involve episodes of shorter duration, and to be associated with personal care and unpaid work.