Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(2):39-53.
재한(在韓) 베트남인 이주 노동자의 주거 및 주생활: 우리나라 수도권 지역을 중심으로
이영심, 최정신
가톨릭대학교 소비자주거 전공
An Analysis of Housing and Domestic Living of Vietnamese Immigrant Workers Who were Living in the Metropolitan Area in Korea
Young-Shim Lee, Choi, Jung-Shin
Consumer & Housing Studies, The Catholic University of Korea
The purpose of this study was to analyze the state of Vietnamese housing in Korea. Using ethnographic methodologies, it was examined that 22 Vietnamese households in Korea in relation to their usage of housing space. The following conclusion were established; 1). Most of households had kitchen+1 or 2 bedrooms and the majority households preferred separated kitchen and living room areas. 2). Most households had a washing machine in bathroom and they regarded bathtub as not very necessary. They all preferred the bathroom with enough space for using washing machine and hand washing both. 3). Their preferred seating style was using chairs on sleeping as like in Vietnam but they preferred eating without chairs and treated large family and guest without chairs specially. 4). All of them were took their shoes off usually and preferred designated shoes space at the entrance to the house which was not used in Vietnam. 5). A Floor material of all households was vinyl on living room and bedrooms and most of them who had been using tile only in Vietnam preferred vinyl here. 6). All of households had a modified Ondol and most of them who had never been used this before preferred and they regarded as a desirable heating system. 7). They considered the kitchen as the most important housing space and the direction of housing was the one to consider when they built or buy the house.