시설보호 아동과 일반가정 아동의 정서지능, 사회적 능력, 학교생활만족도와의 관계 |
박미경, 문혁준 |
가톨릭상지대학 유아교육과, 가톨릭대학교 아동학전공 |
Emotional Intelligence, Social Competence and School Life Satisfaction Among Institutionalized and Home Reared Children |
Hyuk-Jun Moon, Park, Mi-Kyeong |
Department of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Early Childhood Education, Catholic Sangji College |
The purpose of this study was to examine differences in emotional intelligence, social competence and school life satisfaction between institutionalized and home reared children. In total, 584 grade 4, 5, and 6 students were used for this study, 305 of which were institutionalized and 279 home reared. Collected data were subjected to descriptive and comparative statistical analysis. Significant differences were found in emotional intelligence, social competence and school life satisfaction between institutionalized and home reared children. Positive correlations were established among emotional intelligence, social competence and school life satisfaction for both groups of children. |
시설보호 아동, institutionalized children, 일반가정 아동, home reared children, 정서지능, emotional intelligence, 사회적 능력, social competence, 학교 생활만족도, satisfaction of school Life |