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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(1):25-43.
가계의 주관적 경제상태와 객관적 경제구조
김민영, 이희숙
서울대학교 소비자학과, 충북대학교 주거환경 소비자학과
Household Economic Structure and Subjective Evaluation on Economic Status of Households
Hee-Sook Lee, Kim, Min-Jeung
Department of Housing, Interior Design & Consumer Studies, Chungbuk National University, Department of Consumer Studies, Seoul National University
The purpose of this study was to find how economic structures differ among four different household groups('enough', 'so so', 'a little difficult', 'very difficult') classified by subjective evaluation on their economic conditions. The data were drawn from 2004 Korean Labor and Income Panel Study conducted by Korea Labor Institute, and -test and F-test were utilized by SPSS for Windows 10.0. The major findings were as following. First, the economic levels of household groups of 'enough' and 'so so' showed to be higher than the average. This result implies that households tend to evaluate by themselves their economic conditions comparing to the others. Second, the deviations of average economic levels among four different household groups were relatively bigger in household economic elements of liquid asset, monthly savings and insurance than the others, and relatively smaller in household economic elements of total expenditure, especially expenditures in food at home, education, medical, communication than the others. Third, the households of 'a little difficult' and 'very difficult' showed undesirable economic structures resulting from lack of savings and insurance for their future.
Keywords: 가계, Households, 경제구조, Economics Structure, 주관적 경제평가, Subjective Evaluation of Economic Status
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Household Expenditures for University Education and Their Effects on Household Finance  2010 April;48(3)
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