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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(1):13-24.
은행서비스 질이 소비자만족도 및 긍정적 구전에 미치는 영향: 성별, 연령집단에 따른 비교
정운영, 김영신
충남대학교 소비자생활정보학과
The Effects of Banking Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction andPositive Word-of- Mouth: With Special Comparisons according to Genderand Age Groups
Young-Seen Kim, Jeong, Woon-Young
Department of Consumer’s Life Information, Chungnam National University
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of banking service quality on consumer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth. A total of 330 bank consumers were investigated between Sept. 11 and Oct. 11, 2006. After sorting through the data, the responses of 299 consumer ( > 24 yrs old) were used for analysis. SERVPERF, the performance component of the Service Quality scale (SERVQUAL), was used to measure the four dimensions of reliability, responsiveness/empathy, assurance, and tangibles. Responses were partitioned by age and gender. The major findings were as follows; The effect of service quality by SERVPERF on consumer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth did not differ according to gender. However, positive recommendation in males was directy related to the technical quality evaluate. In females, higher the functional quality evaluate was directly related to higher positive word-of-mouth recommendation. The effect of service quality by SERVPERF on consumer satisfaction was not revealed differently according to age. However, with respect to respondents under the age of 45, tangibles and assurance had a positive relationship with word-of-mouth recommendation. Furthermore, the higher the functional quality evaluate, the higher the level of positive word-of-mouth. Responsiveness/empathy was the most significant factor on positive word-of-mouth recommendation in respondents over the age of 45. In this age group, the higher the technical quality evaluate, the higher the level of positive word-of-mouth recommendation. These results have implications for banking service managers, particularly in improving service quality to increase consumer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth. Future research is needed to replicate this study using more broad and representative samples in order to test the generalization of these findings.
Keywords: 서비스 질 척도, servqual, servperf, Technical-Functional quality, 소비자만족도, consumer satisfaction, 긍정적 구전, positive word-of mouth
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Effects of Adolescents’ Cultural Disposition and Self-Conscious Emotion on Empathy According to Gender and Age  2015 October;53(5)
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