Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(10):71-81.
의복구매시 청소년의 지각된 위험이 패션브랜드의 동조행동에 미치는 영향
서울대학교 생활과학연구소
An Analysis of Adolescents' Perceived Risk on Conformity Behavior of Fashion Brand
Dae-Geun Jun
Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University
This study aimed to identify the effects of adolescents' perceived risk on fashion brand conformity behavior. To analyze conformable fashion brand behavior with consideration to their reference group, 6 dimensions of perceived risk were adopted as explanatory variables. Reference group means people that a person refers to when evaluating his values & behaviors. Data were collected from 672 male and female students aged between 14 and 18. Factor analysis on perceived risk resulted in 6 dimensional structures: socio-psychological, time loss, functional, fashionability loss, performance and opportunity loss risk. Fashionability loss risk positively affected adolescent fashion brand conformity behavior according to their favorite celebrities. Performance risk positively affected in consideration to their parents, while opportunity loss risk had a negative effect on the same reference group. However, socio-psychological and fashionability loss risk positively affected adolescent fashion brand conformity behavior in consideration to their friends, while performance loss risk had negative effect on the same reference group. Adolescent groups divided by the 6 dimensions of perceived risk showed meaningful differences in their fashion brand conformable behavior in consideration to their reference groups.