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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(10):11-22.
유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육스트레스, 의사소통 지향성과 사회인구학적 변인이 가족건강성에 미치는 영향
박복매, 문혁준
가톨릭대학교 아동학
The Influence of Parenting Stress, Communication Strategy and Socio-demographic Variables on Family Strengths
Hyuk-Jun Moon, Park, Bok-Mae
Department of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic University of Korea
This study was conducted to examine how family strengths are affected by parenting stress, socio-demographic factors and communication strategy, with a specific focus on mothers with young children. In total, 418 mothers of 4-5 years old children were included in this study. Higher education achievement was significantly related to higher communication strategy and better family strengths. However educational background had no effect on degree of parenting stress. Lower household income was related to higher parenting stress while higher income resulted in stronger family strengths. However family income showed no correlation with communication strategy. Lower parenting stress and higher communication strategy contributed to better family strengths, The most influential factor of family strengths was parenting stress.
Keywords: 양육스트레스, parenting stress, 의사소통지향성, communication strategy, 가족건강성, family strengths
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