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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(9):71-85.
그림책을 활용한 문학교육이 유아의 그림책에 대한 인식 및 태도에 미치는 영향
김정원, 서정숙, 김유정, 남규
한국성서대학교 영유아보육학, 이화여자대학교 유아교육과, 경인여자대학 유아교육과, 건국대학교 교직과
The Effects of a Picture Book Literature Education Program on Preschool Children
Jung-Won Kim, Sea, Jeong-Sook, Kim, You-Jung, Nam, Gue
Department of Childhood Care & Education, Korean Bible University, Department of Early Childhood Education, Ewha Women's University
Department of Early Childhood Education, Kyeongin Women's College
Department of Teacher Education, Konkuk University
This study examined the effects of a picture book literature education program in order to assess preschool children's recognition of and attitude towards picture books. The subjects were 56 five-year-old children, 30 of whom allocated to the experimental group and 26 to the control group. The literature education program lasted for 14 weeks. The control group children participated on the national early childhood education curriculum. Children were interviewed about their concepts, preferences, and attitudes towards picture books. The results indicated that compared to control group, children who participated in this program developed enhanced and richer concepts of picture books, displayed specific preferences, and put forward clearer reasons for their preference. ANCOVA result showed significant overall differences between the two groups. Children who participated in the ptrgram displayed more voluntary and active reading and applied the contents of the picture books to their real life situations.
Keywords: 유아문학교육, Literature education for preschool children, 그림책, picture book, 그림책에 관한 인식 및 태도, recognition of and attitude towards picture books
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