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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(9):47-60.
아동의 지각한 어머니의 심리통제와 가족의 건강성 및 아동의 심리적 복지감과의 관계-성차를 중심으로
조한숙, 문혁준
가톨릭대학교 아동가족학, 가톨릭대학교 아동학과
Adolescent Perspective on Mother's Psychological Controls, Family Strengths and Personal Psychological Well-Being
Hyuk-Jun Moon, Cho, Han-Suk
Department of Child Studies, The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic University of Korea
The purpose of this study was to analyze relationships between mother's psychological controls, family strengths, and psychological well-beings as perceived by children. In total, 529 6th graders from Seoul and Buchon participated in the study, Results were as follows: Firstly, gender differences were observed in the awareness of psychological well-beings but not in perception of mother's psychological controls and family strengths. Secondly, the children's awareness of mother's psychological controls and family strengths were correlated with their psychological well-beings the more children were aware of their mother's psychological controls, the less likely they were to be aware of their family strengths and psychological well beings. Finally, children's awareness of family strengths had remarkable influence on their psychological well-being.
Keywords: 어머니의 심리통제, Mother`s Psychological Control, 가족의 건강성, Family Strengths, 심리적 복지감, Psychological Well-being
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Perceived Gains in Caregiving and Psychological Well-Being  2002 September;40(9)
Single Mothers' Stress and Psychological Well-being  1998 February;36(2)
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