Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(9):21-31.
가족 및 아동연구를 위한 질적방법론 교과목 개발 및 운영
인하대학교 소비자아동학
Course Development of Qualitative Research Methodology for Family and Child Studies
Sung-Eun Yang
Consumer & Child Studies Major, Inha University
Family and child educators have an obligation to ensure that their students understand, conceptually and pragmatically, the major research methods. The purpose of this study was to develop a qualitative methodology course for graduate students majoring in family and child studies. Three stages of course development were followed; investigating how methodology courses are offered in family and child studies, discussing what topics and components should be covered in a qualitative methodology course, and planning how the topics and components should be taught. The proposed qualitative methodology course includes; understanding philosophical and theoretical frameworks, teaming the general process of a qualitative research, comparing different qualitative traditions of inquiry, discussing emerging issues related to qualitative research, and conducting experimental field work. This study can provide an academic syllabus for family and child educators, who are interested in teaching a qualitative methodology course for graduate students.