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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(8):109-120.
성인여성의 유행혁신성과 구매상황 요인이 유행채택행동에 미치는 영향
서울대학교 생활과학연구소
The Effects of Fashion Innovativeness and Purchase Situation Factors on Fashion Adoption among Adult Women
Dae-Geun Jun
Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University
This study aimed to identify the effects of adult women's fashion innovativeness and purchase situation factors on fashion adoption. To explain women's fashion adoption at the point of clothing purchases, fashion innovativeness and 3 dimensions of purchase situation were adopted as explanatory variables. Total usable questionnaires were obtained from 801 women aged between 20 and 39. Factor analysis on purchase situation resulted in 3 dimensional structures of purchase situation: Store atmosphere, Store policy and Pre-purchase condition. Women groups divided by fashion innovativeness level showed meaningful differences in their purchase situation level and fashion adoption level. Women groups divided by 3 dimensions of purchase situation also showed significant differences in fashion innovativeness level and fashion adoption level. Fashion innovativeness, Store atmosphere and Pre-purchase condition except Store policy positively affected fashion adoption.
Keywords: 유행혁신성, fashion innovativeness, 구매상황, purchase situation, 유행채택행동, fashion adoption
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