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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(8):55-72.
우주베키스탄과 한국에 거주하는 고려인(高麗人) 주거에서의 지속과 변화 -재한(在韓) 고려인 이주 노동자의 주거 지원을 위한 탐색-
이영심, 최정신
가톨릭 대학교 소비자주거
Continuation and Alteration of Housing of Goryoin Who Were Living in Uzbekistan and Korea: Focusing on Housing Support for Immigrant Workers in Korea
Young-Shim Lee, Choi, Jung-Shin
Consumer & Housing Studies, the Catholic University of Korea
The purpose of this study was to analyze the state of Goryoin housing in Uzbekistan and Korea. Using ethnographic methodologies, it was examined that 20 Goryoin households in Korea in relation to their usage of housing space firstly and also tried 20 Goryoin households in Uzbekistan with the same method. The following conclusion were established; 1). The majority of households in both areas preferred separated kitchen and living room areas. 2). Most households in both areas had a washing machine in bathroom and they regarded bathtub and the drain hole of the bathroom as very necessary. They all preferred separate bathroom and toilet areas in order to allow simultaneous use. 3). Their preferred seating style was chairs on sleeping and eating especially but they treated large family and guest without chairs in both areas. 4). All of them were took their shoes off and wore slippers at home usually and also had a preference for designated shoes space at the entrance to the house. 5) All of households in Uzbekistan and half of them in Korea had a carpet or mat in the bedroom or living room, both for keeping warm and aesthetic reasons. 6). The heating system of apartment in Uzbekistan was radiator and most of private houses had a modified Ondol with radiator but their preferred heating system was modified Ondol in both areas. 7). They all considered the living room as the most important housing space for family and guest in both areas.
Keywords: 이주 노동자, immigrant workers, 고려인, Goryoin, 주거 공간, housing space, 기거 양식, seating style
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An Analysis of Housing and Domestic Living of ChoSun-Tribe in China - Focusing on Housing Plans for Immigrant Workers in Korea -  2007 August;45(7)
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