아동의 사회적 위축에 대한 아동의 행동억제, 보육경험 및 어머니의 통제적 양육행동의 영향 |
The Effects of child Inhibition, Day-care Experiences and Mothers' Controlling Child-rearing Behavior on Child Social Withdrawal |
Choi, Hye-Sun, Park, Seong-Yeon |
Department of Consumer Science & Human Development, Ewha Womans University, Department of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Program of Child Development & Intervention, Ewha Womans University |
행동억제, inhibition, 보육경험, day-care experience, 어머니의 통제적 양육행동, mother`s controlling child-rearing behavior, 사회적 위축행동, social withdrawal |