Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1981;19(4):41-53.
논문편 - 식생활 분야 : 제주지역 고령자 영양실태 조사연구
Nutrition survey of the Aged on Jeju Island
Yang Sook Ko
The purpose of this survey was to investigate the nutrient and food intake and food habits of the aged Jeju island. The survey was conducted to 102 persons, 50 persons aged 65 to 74 years and 52 persons aged 75 years over from July 5 to 25, 1981. The result obtained was summarized as follows; 1. Average nutrient intake per day Calorie intake was 1408 ㎉(which was 64% of RDA) for male and was 1343 ㎉ (84%) for female aged 65 to 74 years. For male aged 75 years over calorie intake was 1316㎉ (60%) and for female was 1292㎉ (81%). According to the intake of calorie, the ratio of carbohydrate, protein, fat, were average 74.8%, 15.1%, 10.1%. Protein intake was insufficient quantiatively, but the proportion of animal protein to total protein intake were 26.1 to 33.5%. Other nutrient intake, such as Ca, vitamin A and C were lower than the recommended dietary allowance. 2. Food intake In per capita food consumption were 69.1g to 744.7g and average 320.1g of cereal (125.1g of rice and 160.5g of barley) and 63.9g of fishes. Total food consumption and vegetables were diminished by older age. 3. Correlation assessment The correlation coefficient between residental stus lived with family, high activity, good health, and nutrient intake were significant (P<0.05). Poor teeth had influence on less nutrient intake, but was not significant. 4. Food preferences Food liked over 70% of subjects were persimmon, fishes, leef, tomato, and boiled rice with barley, etc. owing to tender food, economical reasons, seasonal influence, and food habits. Food disliked over 20% of subjects were instant noodle, small sardin, boiled rice, and ice-crea, etc. The majority of subjects had never had the processing food, such as ham, sausage, butter and margarine, etc.