Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2007;45(2):63-75.
패션제품 TV 홈쇼핑 중독에 관한 연구: 물질주의, 쇼호스트, 신용카드를 중심으로 |
A study Addictive Buying on Fashion item in TV Home-Shopping; Focused on Materialism, Show host, Credit card |
Lee, Seung-Hee, Kim, Chae-Yeon |
Dept. of Clothing & Textiles Sungshin Women's University |
TV 홈쇼핑, TV home shopping, 중독구매, Addictive, 물질주의, Materialism, 쇼호스트, Showhost, 신용카드, Credit card |