Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2006;44(3):181-195.
청소년의 위험 성행동과 관련된 개인,가족,주변 환경 체계요인의 경로모형
A Path Model of Self, Family, & Extrafamilial System Factors Associated with Adolescents' Sexual Risk Behaviors
Juyoung Jo, Kim, Yeong Hee
Division of Social Welfare, Baekseok University, Dept. of Child Welfare, Chungbuk National University
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the interaction between family and extrafamilial system factors with self system factors on adolescents' sexual risk behaviors. The study subjects were 365 middle school students in Chungbuk Province. The results of this research were as follows. Adolescents' sexual risk behaviors resulted from the interaction of self/family/extrafamilial system factors rather than from any one specific cause. Therefore, when counseling these students, multiple system factors should be considered in view of any other uni-focused counseling approach will lead to only a short-term behavior change.