Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2006;44(3):171-179.
청소년의 성지식과 성가치관 및 성관심간의 관계
Relationship between Adolescents' Sexual Knowledge and their Sexual Values and Interests
Kyong Hwa Kim, Min, Ha-Yeoung, Lee, Young-Mi
Division of Social Welfare, Catholic Univ. of DaeGu, Dept. of Child, Catholic Univ. of DaeGu, Division of Social Welfare, Cheonan University
The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the sexual knowledge of adolescents and their sexual values and interests with regards to gender and grade. The case subjects were 272 middle and high school students in Keoungbok 154 boys and 118 girls, who completed the study questionnaire. Statistical techniques used for the investigation were crosstabs, t-test, Pearson's partial correlation and hierarchical multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows: (1) There were gender and grade differences in the adolescents' sexual knowledge and their sexual values and interests. (2) The adolescents' sexual knowledge showed a positive correlation with their own sexual values and interests. (3) The adolescents' sexual interests were a stronger predictor of sexual knowledge than sexual values, gender or grade.