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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2006;44(3):143-151.
아동소비자의 식품위생에 대한 지식과 행동의 인과관계 분석
An Analysis of the Causal Relationship between Knowledge and Behavior towards Food Hygiene among Child Consumers
Hyochung Kim, Meera Kim
Dept. of Family & Consumer Sciences, Inje University, Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition, Kyungpook National University
e purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of knowledge and behavior towards food hygiene among child consumers, examine the factors influencing them, and analyze the causal relationship between them. The data were collected from 521 elementary school students in Youngnam area by a self-administered questionnaire. Frequencies, Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple regression analyses, and path analysis were conducted by SPSS Windows. The results from this study were as follows. First, the level of knowledge towards food hygiene was not particularly high, and the level of behavior was somewhat more than the average. Second, the factors influencing the level of knowledge towards food hygiene were school record (upper and middle), and concerns about food hygiene. In addition, concerns about food hygiene, the frequency of food hygiene education in the family, and the level of knowledge towards food hygiene had an effect on the level of behavior towards food hygiene. Third, in the analysis of the causal relationship between the knowledge and behavior towards food hygiene, school record indirectly influenced the behavior towards food hygiene, and the frequency of food hygiene education in the family directly affected the behavior towards food hygiene. On the other hand, concerns about food hygiene had direct and indirect influence on the behavior towards food hygiene. In addition, the knowledge towards food hygiene showed a direct effect on the behavior towards food hygiene. These results imply that knowledge towards food hygiene is a very important factor to improve the children's behavior towards food hygiene and that parents' concerns and guidance for children are needed.
Keywords: 식품위생, Food hygiene, 지식, Knowledge, 행동, Behavior, 아동소비자, Child consumer, 인과관계, Causal relationship
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