Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2006;44(3):1-11.
신용불량자의 신용불량구제정책에 관한 인지도, 기대도, 활용도
The Level of Recognition, Expectation and Utilization on Policies of Social Remedies for Credit Defaulters
Young-Hee Lee, Lee, Seung-sin
Dept. of Home Economics, Graduate School of KonKuk University, Consumer Protection Board
Although the personal credit rating has become more important than ever before in our era, a significant number of social problems have occurred due to the rising number of individuals and households with low credit ratings. The main objectives of this research are to determine effective policies of social remedies through an investigation of recognition, expectation, and utilization levels of relevant public policies available to assist individuals with low credit ratings. The sample population was taken from the credit defaulters who had visited the Credit Recovery Commission. The research was undertaken from April 28 to May 4, 2004. This study focused on the related variables concerning the degree of utilization of remedial public policies. The results showed that females, less educated individuals, and those with higher levels of expectation and recognition were more likely to utilize remedial policies. Based on the research, conclusions regarding the usage of public remedial policies for credit defaulters are as stated below. Education for households should be conducted in order to increase the expectation and recognition levels of relevant policies.