Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2006;44(1):87-99.
가정내 안전사고 예방을 위한 부모교육 프로그램 요구
The Needs of a Parent Education Program for the Prevention of Home Injury
Hye-Gum Kim
Dept. of Child Care Education, DongNam Health College
This study investigated the degree to which young children's mothers needed a parent education program on home safety, the preferred goals, contents, methods, and evaluation of a parent education program on home safety, and whether or not the needs for a parent education program on home safety varied according to mothers' age, education background, and job. This study also analyzed the experience of their participation in any parent education program on home safety and its effect according to mothers' age, education background, and job. The data were collected from 569 mothers of young children and analyzed by and F tests. A questionnaire was developed based on the research of Peterson and Mori (1985) and Jung et al. (1992). The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. The majority (92.8%) of mothers recognized the need for a parent education program on home safety and 97.5% indicated an intention of participating in a parent education program on home safety. 2. Mothers rated the most important goal of a parent education program on home safety as protecting young children from injuries. Mothers in their 30's responded to the need for understanding of young children's development characteristics and safety guidance as the highest while mothers in their 20's responded methods of first aid the highest. 3. The preferred methods of a parent education program on home safety were activities or learning by experience and the preferred instructors were safety professionals majoring in child development and family studies or early childhood education. The preferred practice methods of a parent education program on home safety were 5 sessions, with 25-29 participants, at young children's institute, on weekday afternoons, for one and a half hours per session, and with evaluation through questionnaire. 4. Nearly half (44%) of mothers had participated in a parent education program on home safety during the previous 3 years and 77.6% of them responded that a parent education program on home safety was effective on their safety lives. Mothers in their 30's had more experiences of a parent education program for home safety more than mothers in their 20's.