Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2006;44(1):59-74.
청소년자녀기 가족의 레질리언스(Resilience) 척도개발 연구: 척도의 타당화 검증을 중심으로
The Measurement Development of Korean Families with Adolescents' Family Resilience: Focusing on the Evaluation of the Measurements' Construct Validity
Hee-Kyung Kwon, Nam Young-Joo, Lee Ju-Lie, Ok Sun-Wha, Rueter Martha, Lee Mi-Sook, Nam Young-Joo
Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies, Chang Won National Univ., Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies, Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National Univ., Dept. of Family Social Science, Univ. of Minnesota, Dept. of Child Development, Catholic Univ. of Korea, Dept. of Child Welfare, Chung-Ang Univ., Dept.
As an exploratory inquiry prior to developing a measure to assess Korean families with adolescents' family resilience, this study examined the construct validity of the family resilience measures that were developed in the U. S. Iowa Youth and Families Project(Conger & Elder, 1994): emotional support between spouses, problem solving style between spouses, and parenting behavior. The participants were 277 pairs of middle aged, middle class husbands and wives (554 individuals) who were the parents of first graders in middle schools in the metropolitan areas around Seoul. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis supported the construct validity, indicating that emotional support, problem solving style, and parenting behavior may be used as measures to assess Korean family resilience. However, further tests of convergent validity using various assessment methods and analytical procedures are needed to ensure the construct validity of family resilience measures.