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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(10):141-153.
연변 조선족 아동의 공격성과 개인적 특성, 가정환경 및 학교환경간의 관계
The Relationships among Personal Characteristics, Home and School Environment, and Aggression of Korean-Chinese Children in Yanbin
Choi Hyewon Park, Park, Min-Jung
Dept. Child & Family Welfare, University of Ulsan, College of Human Ecology, Kyunghee University
This study investigated the relationships among personal characteristics(sex, self-concepts, depression, fear, internal locus of control), home environment(physical and psychological environment, parenting style, attachment to mother), school environment(teacher support, peer victimization), and Korean-Chinese children's aggression in Yanji, China. Two hundred and two(90 boys and 112 girls) 6th graders rated themselves on a questionnaire. Correlation analysis, and multiple regression were conducted using SPSS Window vers. 12. Alienation to mother, and overt and relational victimization by peers were positively related, and communication with mother was negatively related to children's proactive aggression. Alienation to mother, and overt victimization by peers were positively related, and communication with mother, support by teacher were negatively related to children's reactive aggression. Alienation to mother, and overt and relational victimization by peers were positively related, and communication with mother and support by teacher were negatively related to children's relational aggression. The factor with the greatest contribution to explaining the aggression of Korean-Chinese in Yanbin was the alienation to mother.
Keywords: 조선족 아동, Korean-Chinese Children, 공격성, aggression, 개인적 특성, personal characteristics, 가정환경, home environment, 학교 환경, school environment
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