Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1980;18(4):65-73.
논문편 - 가정관리 분야 : 전도시 근로자 가계의 소비구조 변동에 대한 연구 - 1970년부터 1978년까지를 중심으로 -
김순옥 , 신효식
A Study on The consumption Pattern of Urban Salary and Wage Earners' Household in Korean from 1970 to 1978
Soon Ok Kim , Hyo Shik Shin
The purpose of this study is ti find out a desirable way to stability and improvement of household economy by studying the changes of consumption level and consumption pattern of urban salary and wage earners' households during the years from 1970 to 1978. For this study, "Annual Report on the Family Income and Expenditure survey" (Published by the Bureau of Statistics, Economics Planning Board) has been used as basic material, and the methods of analysis used here are the time series analysis. We have gained the results as follows: 1) From 1970 to 198, the total income level increased at the rate of 416.2% in nominal price, but only 74.4% in reql price, while the total expenditure level showed 338.5% increase in nominal price, but its real increased proved only 418.2% in consideration of inflation. APC decreased from 95.1%(in 1970) to 80.7%(in 1978). 2) As for the expenditure pattern for the above mentioned nine years, the rate of food expenditure increased until 1975 under the price influence, but it trended to decease there after on . The rate of housing expenditure showed a gradual increase while that of fuel and light expenditure was on the decrease. The rate of clothing expenditure had been on the decease until 1974 but it began to increase gradually thereafter on. The trend of miscellaneous expenditures was irregularly up and down, educational expences being the first rank among them, Non-living expenditure had been constant until 1974 but it decreased a little after that. From the results it was found that the consumption level of the salary and wage earners' household in all cities from 1970 to 1978 was not practically improved because of rise in prices, nor was the Engel's coefficient and the rate of miscellaneous expenditure changed distinctively. However, as the successive decrease of APC suggests the possibility of economic development, we must try to put stress on economy in consumption and on encouraging. This will help run our household economy in safety and stability.