Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(9):85-96.
애착이 대학생의 심리적,신체적 건강에 영향을 주는 매커니즘: 과정적 요인으로서 자아존중감, 외로움과 생활만족도
Attachment Differences in College Students' Psychological and Physical Wellbeing: Mediating Effects of Self-esteem, Loneliness, and Life Satisfaction
Hyo-Jeong Jeon
Department of Home Economics, Dong-A University
The purpose of this study was to investigate college students' psychological and physical wellbeing, by examining their attachment, self-esteem, loneliness, and life satisfaction. The questionnaire study was conducted on 171 college students. The suggested path model was supported tv serial regression analyses. Attachment experiences in childhood and attachment style with peer had an impact on the college students' self-esteem, which in turn affected loneliness and life satisfaction, which then affected individual health(psychological and physical wellbeing).