Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(9):71-84.
학령기 아동의 스트레스 관련 변인 탐색
Ecological Variables on Children's Stress
Hyuk Jun Moon, Park So-Young
School of Human Ecology, The Catholic University of Korea, Major of Child & Family, The Catholic University of Korea
The purpose of this study was firstly to identify how the characteristics of children(grades, birth order, self-consciousness), parents(age, educational level, employment status of mother, mother's parenting behavior), and context (private tutoring status, tying area) relate to children's stress and secondly to examine the relative effects of these variables on children's stress. The subjects of this study were 940(453 boys, 440 girls) children from grades 4 to 6 who were selected from three elementary schools in Seoul and Buchun. Data were analyzed with t-test, correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: (1) Girls get stressed easier than boys in terms of being treated distantly by their friends. (2) The study showed a negative relationship between children's stress and their self-consciousness such as general self-consciousness, teaming self-consciousness and total self-consciousness. (3) While the results showed a negative relationship between children's stress and mothers' acceptable behavior, the study revealed a positive relationship between children's stress and the mother's over protective behavior which in turn raised the children's stress level. (4) In 'total stress', it was recognized that boys were affected mostly tv grades in the children's variables category, while girls were affected by their general self-consciouness. In addition, both girls and boys were affected mostly by acceptable-refusal parental behavior in the parental variables category, and further affected by the living area in the category of conditional variables.