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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(9):59-70.
부인의 성격유형, 갈등대처방법과 부부갈등의 관계
Association among Personality, Conflict Strategies, and Marital Conflict of Married Woman
Kyung-Rhan Park, Yi, Yeong-Sug
Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inje University, Faculty of Human Ecology, Kunsan Nat'l University
This study examined the association among personality, conflict strategies, and marital conflict. The subjects were 279 married women who completed a questionnaire for 4 personality types(extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, and judgement-perception), 5 conflict strategies(dominance, integration, compromise, avoidance, and smoothing over), and marital conflict. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Among the women of thinking-feeling type women, the thinking group tended to use more dominance conflict strategy than the feeling group. Among the women of judgement-perception type women, the judgement group tended to use more compromise conflict strategy than the perception group. 2) Results of hierarchical regression analysis revealed that two conflict strategies (dominance and compromise), two personality types (extraversion-introversion and sensing-intuition), and income were significant predictors of marital conflict for married women. Overall, we can conclude that marital conflict is more affected by the strategies for dealing with conflict than by individual personality
Keywords: 성격유형, type of personality, 갈등대처방법, conflict strategies, 부부갈등, marital conflict
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Sexuality and Marital Satisfaction of Married Women  2003 July;41(7)
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